Roasted Red Pepper Vinaigrette
This makes for a nice sauce to toss with a quick salad and protein, but I enjoy making it creamy and serving it with fish. INGREDIENTS 1...
This makes for a nice sauce to toss with a quick salad and protein, but I enjoy making it creamy and serving it with fish. INGREDIENTS 1...
This meal is light and refreshing. If you have leftovers, it makes for a great cold salad (to me anyway), although David prefers his fish...
This is a favorite Southern comfort staple. So imagine my desire to find a way to enjoy this on the ketogenic diet. This is filling, so...
This soup is hearty but not too heavy. David ate two servings in the blink of an eye because he skipped lunch. INGREDIENTS 10 oz chicken...
We started using Green Chef ( when we started our keto journey, and it's a wonderful way to learn new recipes and to...
This is a great side dish and can be served with your favorite protein. I dare you not to take your protein and dip it in the cheesy...
This dish was flavorful and a welcome burst of different flavors for our taste buds. This can easily be adjusted for more (or less) spice...
This salad is one of my absolute favorites... definitely a keeper! INGREDIENTS 2 (6oz) chicken breasts 3 tbsp basil vinaigrette 4 oz...
This one is flavorful without being too heavy! INGREDIENTS 2 (6 oz) chicken breasts 0.5 cup lemon crema 1 yellow squash 4 oz Brussels...
INGREDIENTS 1 tsp lemon zest 2 tbsp lemon juice 0.5 cup sour cream 2 tbsp heavy cream 0.25 tsp salt freshly ground black pepper...
A few of you have asked what I consider are baking essentials, and when I use "confectioners sugar"if I mean actual regular powdered...
My husband LOVES pizza. We used to order it once a week, minimum. With being on the ketogenic diet, we haven't had a pizza... so it...
In case you are a chocolate lover and miss your donuts, here's a Cass & David approved recipe. Ingredients: Chocolate Donuts 0.5 cup...
Another option for keto-friendly breakfast tacos/burritos! David and I found these at our most recent trip to Costco, and thought we'd...
This is one of my favorite keto-friendly salads EVER. It's inspired me to add a hard-boiled egg to other salads for a little protein and...
I never thought I'd like this since I'm not a huge fan of mustard by itself... but lo and behold. Amazing sauce for salads or to serve on...
This one takes a little bit more effort to make, but I promise it's worth the wait. Make double or triple, and pack it for lunch the next...
This sauce works well with pork and I also like it with simple grilled or baked fish. Ingredients: 2 tbsp olive oil 0.5 tsp salt 0.5 tsp...
This meal is very filling. Adjust the chipotle crema to your taste... David eats a much larger amount than I do, and when I ate it this...
This one is definitely a keeper. Simple to make, but it adds dimensions to chicken, shrimp, or fish. Ingredients: 1 cup plain yogurt or...