Sesame-Ginger Salmon
This one is super delicious with just the right tinges of sweet and umami. INGREDIENTS 10 oz salmon fillets 0.5 cup sesame-ginger amino...
This one is super delicious with just the right tinges of sweet and umami. INGREDIENTS 10 oz salmon fillets 0.5 cup sesame-ginger amino...
This meal is delicious. Mashed butternut squash is definitely going on my list of go-to sides, and adding the chives and cream cheese...
This meal tastes like something you'd get at a fancy Latin American restaurant, and it's super easy to make! The scallion salsa is...
Who would have thought salsa on fish would be so flavorful and addicting. This meal not only looks good, but it's one of David's...
This dish is bright and tastes decadent at the same time. I think if you have some additional protein macro allowance, you could sprinkle...
This chili is perfect for a cool fall evening. It's hearty and filling, and has just the right amount of spice for me. David enjoyed it...
These are super easy to make, and they're addicting. Use smaller shrimp if you want to eat them as a snack, like popcorn shrimp. Feeling...
This is so hearty that it reminds me of homemade spaghetti with meat sauce. The bitter and tangy kale here is a good little palate...
This was so flavorful and filling. And was a great keto version of a classic. I'll definitely be making this again! INGREDIENTS 10 oz...
This one tastes fresh and light, and it's definitely something that eats well as a cold leftover the next day too. INGREDIENTS: 2 (5 oz)...
I was skeptical about this one, but it's flavorful and so intensely luxurious. If you are sharing meals with a non-keto friend, let them...
This is amazing. I don't usually like sweet and savory together, but this one wins for me. It reminds me of a fancy grilled cheese...
The creamy kale with this is really really rich and delicious. I am definitely making this as a side again in the future. INGREDIENTS: 2...
This is so fresh tasting and a light meal. Perfect for a late lunch or when you're saving your stomach for a heavier keto meal for later....
This is one of my favorite recipes. It's delicious and luxurious and not hard at all. INGREDIENTS 2 - 5oz Bavette steaks 6 oz green beans...
This one isn't perfect because let's be honest, there is no pasta like pasta. I tried Thin Slim's Impastable fettuccini...
This has a light but very flavorful profile, and it's a filling meal without feeling heavy or overly indulgent. INGREDIENTS: 10 oz...
This meal is delicious. The Creole Dijonnaise with avocado mayo was already made/mixed for us, so feel free to substitute with your...
This salad is something I enjoy with a lot of different proteins, but then again, I have always been a fan of a Caesar salad. Adding a...
David and I really, really, really enjoy our Tex Mex and we have lamented on our missing of enchiladas for some time. I didn't know what...